Thursday, February 28, 2013

Eight signals of cancer:

1, rapidly growth painless mass;

2, unexplained weight loss and anorexia;

3, abdominal pain without incentive factors;

4, unknown reasons of black stool or bloody stool;

5, size, shape or color changes of the moles;

6,intestinal obstruction in old people;

7, unexplained irritating cough and hemoptysis;

8, burst of irregular upper abdominal pain.

Proper Diets for Cirrhosis Patients

Cirrhosis patients need to replenish plenty of high-quality proteins and vitamins to condition their physique. A reasonable diet can increase the patients’appetite and immunity to a large extent.

With years of clinical surveys, cirrhosis patients can have a better appetite and digestive function by the conditioning of a reasonable diet, which then can control the progression of the disease, improve the immunity of the body, promote the rehabilitation of the liver cells and liver function. Therefore, experts from Asia Modern Stem Cell Research & Treatment Center are putting forward some dietary suggestions here for cirrhosis patients.

Cirrhosis patients should avoid foods that are salty and have a strong taste, since these foods may burden the liver to some extent. Foods with a high-quality of protein like fish, chicken, eggs, lean meat, animal liver, shrimp, milk and soybean products are much suggested to take.
  Cirrhosis patients are also required to maintain plenty of calories and vitamins by eating varies foods. They are especially suggested to supple vegetables and fruits that contains rich vitamin B.
  Liver patients should take proper foods contain sugar. They can particularly choose monosaccharides or disaccharides foods like glucose, refined white sugar, honey, royal jelly or fruits which are easier for digestion and absorption. Honey, particularly, has the abilities of strengthening the stomach, promoting digestion, improving liver glycogen content and the hemoglobin level, and increasing the efficacy of liver detoxification, is very suitable for patients with cirrhosis.
  If cirrhosis patients are companied with hypersplenism, they usually have a tendency of bleeding. In this condition, patients should complement foods such as pork rind, animal tendons and sea cucumbers, helps for blood coagulation. If the patients have low plasma protein and associated with anemia, they should increase the intakes of some iron-containing foods, such as animal liver, vegetables, red dates and longan. When ascites appears, patients can have some foods with a diuretic effect, such as carp, crucian carp, goat's milk, watermelon juice, Chinese watermelon. When the zinc content of the liver is decreasing, patients will have a poor appetite. In this condition, he/she can have oysters, pork, beef, fish, eggs, walnuts, dried mussels.
  Liver cirrhosis patient’s esophagus vein is very easy to be scratched and the reduced digestion ability makes the food very difficult to be digested. Thus, cirrhosis patients are usually advised to take soft, liquid, semi - liquid diets, and avoid dry and hard foods that are difficult to digest or may scratch the esophagus. Because of liver’s weakening metabolic capacity, patients are unfit for food additives or other canned foods containing coloring matter and preservatives.
  In short, cirrhosis patients should build a sound daily eating habit, control the intake of food quantity. Just as the Chinese saying goes, "Health needs 100% prevention and 70% diet cares, medical treatments account 30% only”. Which means that a good physique condition depends on the diet cares largely. We should keep a good habit in our normal life to maintain a healthy physique condition.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Factors That May Cause Liver Cirrhosis

Factors That May Cause Liver Cirrhosis

There are many factors that may cause liver cirrhosis, for instance, viral hepatitis, medication that may damage the liver and accumulation of fat, all these factors are likely to cause liver cirrhosis. To understand the causes of liver cirrhosis can help people to pay more attention to the details of their daily life and stay away from hurt of cirrhosis as much as possible.
  Liver cirrhosis is a serious disease that threat to both our physical and mental health, and even endanger our life. So only by understanding the causes of liver cirrhosis, can we take proper prevention and treatment measurements to protect ourselves. The followings are some causes of cirrhosis that are summarized by experts from Modern Asia Stem Cell Research&Treatment Center.

  Virus hepatitis:

Viral hepatitis can transform into liver cirrhosis after a long-term development, which is mostly a chronic disease caused by the sustained affects of hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

  Medication that damage the liver:
  Some people may frequently take some medicines to guarantee the normal functioning of liver. This will not damage the liver in a short-term, but would increase the burden of their liver after a long-term application. Some chemicals like phosphorus, arsenic and carbon tetrachloride contained in these drugs may cause toxic hepatitis, which may develop into cirrhosis after a long time.

 Accumulation of fat:
  Obese peoples’ risks of liver cirrhosis ares relatively larger than the slim ones. This is because their liver cells are long-term accumulated with fat, which affects the normal metabolism and supply of blood and oxygen, then the liver function. Some worse cases might even lead to liver cell swelling, inflammation or necrosis. If there are any fibrosis with the liver, it might possible to develop into cirrhosis as well.

 The affects of some diseases:
  If one is suffering from chronic diseases over a long term, his liver may develop into cirrhosis due to long-term congestion and hypoxia. If he is suffering from certain genetic diseases or metabolic diseases, he may also have the chance of occurring to metabolic liver cirrhosis.

 Alcoholic poisoning:
  Long-term alcohol drinking is a major factor contributes to the occurrence of alcoholic cirrhosis. Alcohol has a direct toxic effect to the liver, it can make swelling cell mitochondria, mal-alignment mitochondria, and even ethanol crystallization.

   Many scholars think that malnutrition will reduce the resistance of hepatocytes to toxic and infectious factors, which will indirectly cause cirrhosis.
  The above is a general introduction in some risk factors of liver cirrhosis. Hope you can develop a good living habit and make yourself a specific plan to prevent the occurrence of cirrhosis according to the mentioned factors at the same time. Finally, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou wish you can stay away from the harm of liver cirrhosis, keep a healthy physique condition. Any further questions, you can check our related websites and inquire from us.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Misunderstandings on Food

  Most cancer patients would force themselves to have invigorating soup during treatments for losing appetite. Some would choose fruits and vegetables instead of meats while some would have over intake of the invigorating foods that not fit their physical condition. Actually, all those are unreasonable. The cancer specialists from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou will tell you more about why those are unreasonable for cancer patients on diets.
 cancer, cancer patients
Misunderstanding: Take much soup can make up the nutrition needed.
  Normally we can hear the family tell the patient in hospital that: “If you don’t want to have the ingredients, just take the soup.” Because most people think that the nutrition is melted in soup. Actually, the nutrition in soup is little, which takes not over10% of all the ingredients. But to the patients of esophagus and lung cancer or the ones who are in radiotherapy would develop the problem of swallow, so the ingredients in soup are difficult for them. Then how to make sure their nutrition?
  Tips: Change the diet construction to another that is based on cereals.
  To the patients with difficulty in swallow can change to have the porridge of mashed cereals, meats and vegetables, or the diets that are well cooked. In this way can improve the nutrition intake for patients. Though invigorating food helps to make up part of the nutrition, it cannot take as the staple food.
  Misunderstanding: Only have vegetables but no meats.
Some patients make out a strict diet plan, for they know it is not good for them to have excessive animal proteins. For example, a breast cancer patient writes down that she can have 3 catty vegetables every day, but no meat. Even a cancer patient, he/she has to take certain animal proteins, insufficient animal proteins would lead to immunity decreases and consequently cause other complications.
  Tips: Take proper animal proteins.
  The diets for cancer patients should base on balanced nutrition, so proper cereals, meats, vegetables and fruits are necessary. If a patient tends to have only one kind of food can directly cause insufficient of some nutrition. Take proper animal proteins in diets will increase the immunity of patient.
  Misunderstanding 3: Follow the dietary experience of other patients.
  Many patients prefer to talk about their dietary experience in treatment with each other. As individual physical nature and disease condition are different, cancer patients should not follow others blindly.
  Tips: Find the diets that fit a patient under instruction of doctors.
  If the economic condition allows, patients can have some food supplement apart from normal diets. The others can have basic diets to ensure the nutrition. But it is better for a patient to consult his/her doctor before choosing food supplement.

Monday, February 18, 2013

How to Arrange Diet for Cancer Patient?

How to Arrange Diet for Cancer Patient?

  Cancer patient’s life has to rely on various nutrients of food. The main problem of cancer patient is nutritional disturbance, so improving patient’s nutrition is an important measure for anticancer treatment. Reasonable diet allocated to cancer patient can enhance body’s immunity and help a lot to patient’s treatment.

When arrange cancer patient’s diet, one should notice that:
  1. Supply protein foods which are easy to digest and absorb, such as milk, eggs, fish, bean product, etc. for example, milk and eggs can emend the protein disorder after radiotherapy.
  2. Intake proper amount of carbohydrate to supplement the heat. High dose of radiotherapy may destroy body’s glycometabolism resulted in glycogen decreased dramatically, lactic acid in blood increased with no longer use and insulin insufficiency aggravated. Consequently, it’s better foe patient to supplement glucose. E.g., honey, rice, flour, potato and so on are the sugar-rich food that can supplement heat.
  3. Eat more anticancer foods, such as turtle, mushroom, black fungus, garlic, seaweeds, mustard and royal jelly and so on.
  4. Vitamin A and C can prevent cancerization and proliferation of cells and increase the stability of epithelial cells. Additionally, vitamin C can prevent some general symptoms of radiation injury and raise the leukocytes levels; vitamin E can promote cell division and delay cell aging; vitamin B1 can promote patient’s appetite, relieve symptoms caused by radiation therapy. Hence, it’s helpful to eat more foods containing vitamins as mentioned above, for example, fresh vegetable, fruits, sesame oil, legume and some pluck, etc.
  5. Diet should be diversification of color, smell, taste and shape, which can promote patient’s appetites; when cooks food, it can use steaming, boiling and stewing methods. Avoid taking hard-digested foods and alcohol.
  6. Patient with difficulty in mastication, swallow, digestion, absorption caused by surgery in tumors of various parts of body and special nutritional deficiencies should take different foods and supplement the lacking element accordingly. If necessary, diet of compound necessary nutritional elements should be adopted to enhance patient’s immunity.

Diverse Foods help you to Fight against Cancer

Most people are just coming back for work after Chinese Spring Festival in these two days. People tend to be intemperate during the holidays, eating and drinking too much, especially tend to eat a lot of big meals and local snacks or sweets, which are mostly made with lots of high-fat, high-calorie ingredients. However, this kind of eating style will lead to many problems or diseases or even make related to the occurence of cancer. Having diverse foods can help to fight agianst cancer to a great extent.

Diverse Foods help you to Fight against Cancer

  Taking diverse diet can prevent and fight against cancer. However in daily life, people have a little knowledge about which food may have the anticancer effect. Oncology in Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou will introduce them below.
fight against cancer, diet for cancer patients
1. Vegetables and fruits have rich anticancer substance, the more bright color of them, and the more nutrition they contain. Those foods can keep human health as well as reduce the risk of getting cancer.
  2. Anticancer foods in breakfast. Folacin contains important Vitamin B group which can prevent colon cancer, rectal cancer and breast cancer. You can find it in your breakfast. Cereals, whole wheat flour products, orange, lemon, and strawberry are the good source of folacin.
  3. Cruciferous vegetables fight against cancer. Cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc cannot only remind us the delicious dishes, but also help us with its nutrients to resist cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer and so on.
  4. Vegetables with dark green leaves. Green vegetables such as mustard, lettuce, kale, chicory and spinach are rich in dietary fibers, folacin and carotenoid which can protect from oral cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer and gastric cancer and so on.
  5. Blueberry brings you health. Blueberry contains potent antioxidants which are productive to people’s health, especially to fight against cancer by eliminating the free radical that can damage health cells in the body. Blueberry can collocate with oats, dry cereal, yogurt and even salad to increase the intake of this nutrient-rich berry.
  Expert from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou reminded us, reasonable diet collocation can help people to prevent and resist cancer. But it’s better to go to hospital for treatment timely as diseases were found.

Friday, February 1, 2013

World Cancer Day theme:Do You Really Know Cancer ? ——Know Your Enemy to Defeat Them

World Cancer Day theme:Do You Really Know Cancer ? ——Know Your Enemy to Defeat Them

  Last February 4, 2000 was the world’s anti-cancer organization, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) launched the 1st World Cancer Day. For 13 years, scientists and volunteers appealed on people around the world to increase cancer awareness and encourage cancer patients to persevere in fighting against cancer. We commence to stay away from cancer, and let cancer patients live with pride and have a high quality of life.
  This February 4, 2013 the theme of World Cancer Day would be “Do you really know  cancer ? Art of War saying: Know thy self, know thy enemy to be ever victorious. This topic will enlighten you about cancer, then to be able defeat it!

  Do you know that cancer is the leading cause of death in human ?
World Cancer Day 2013

  WHO survey shows that in 2008, 7.6 Million people died of cancer worldwide accountable for 13% of all deaths. Especially in developing countries, the number of new cancer cases reaches up to 56%. It is speculated in 2020, incidence of cancer will increase by 50% globally, thus estimate of 10 Million cancer patients will be added yearly. If we don’t do anything about it, from 2005 to 2015 period, 84 Million people will die from cancer.
  Let’s take a look at the prevalence types of cancer. Lung Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Colon Cancer, Hepatocellular Cancer and Breast Cancer accounts for most death each year. Lung Cancer (1.3 Million), Gastric Cancer (803,000), Colon Cancer (639,000), Hepatocellular Cancer (610,000) and Breast Cancer (519,000)
  Different type of people is susceptible to different type of cancer.
  3 Major Cancer for Female:
  Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer
  3 Major Cancer for Male:
  Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer, Liver Cancer
  3 Major Cancer for Elderly:
  Gastric Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Colon Cancer
  3 Major Cancer for Children:
  Leukemia, Brain Cancer, Malignant Lymphoma
      know more cancer types

  Do you know how cancer is formed and its carcinogenic factors?
World Cancer Day 2013
One of the characteristic of cancer is simultaneous growth of abnormal cells. These cells grow beyond usual boundary that can invade the adjacent tissues and spread to the other organs, called “metastasis”. Since cancer cells growth and proliferation are uncontrollable, metastasis happens that can affect any organ in human body thus making it major cause of death.
  From pre-cancerous to malignant cancer or from normal cells to cancer cells is a multistage process. This changes process depends on individual’s genes and other external factors.
  External Factors Includes:
  Carcinogenic factor: ultraviolet radiation, radiation
  Chemicals: asbestos, cigarettes, tobacco, aflatoxin, alcohol and arsenic (drinking water contaminant)
  Infections: Hepatitis B virus (Liver Cancer), Human Papilloma Virus (Cervical Cancer), Helicobacter Pylori (Gastric Cancer),
  Parasites: Schistosomiasis and bladder cancer.

  Do you know the signs of cancer?
World Cancer Day 2013
Cancer has long subclinical period, often hard to be detected. If your body tends to undergo the following changes under a long period of time, excluding the circumstances that you are intaking medicine or undergoing physiological changes, then you have to be alert and proceed to hospital and undergo examination to rule out cancer.
  1. If a lump appeared on any part of the body especially in the area of neck, breast, right rib, clavicle.
  2. Persistent headache, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness
  3. Breast asymmetry, changes in size, nipple discharge, skin erosion. Wary of Breast Cancer
  4. Hemoptysis. Wary of Lung Cancer
  5. Dysphagia and retrosternal pain. Wary of Esophageal Cancer
  6. Bloated upper abdomen, Stool black in color like tar. Wary of Gastric Cancer
  7. Blood in the stool. Wary of Colon Cancer
  8. Irregular menstrual period, bleeding after menopause. Wary of Endometrial Cancer
  9. Sudden weight loss, bloated, backache. Wary of Pancreatic Cancer
  10. Lower abdomen swelling, dull pain, pelvic and/or abdominal pain. Wary of Ovarian Cancer
  11. Hematuria, low back pain, abdominal mass. Wary of Kidney Cancer
      know the symptons  cancers 

  Do you know that these bad habits can provoke cancer?
World Cancer Day 2013
1. Smoking cigarettes/tobacco or passive smoking
  2. Meat consumers, doesn’t eat fruits and vegetables
  3. Sedentary lifestyle
  4. Excessive alcohol consumption
  5. Inappropriate sexual intercourse
  6. Major depressive disorder
  7. Lack of sleep or staying up all night
  8. Holding back urine and defecation

  Do you know that more than 30% of cancer can be prevented. Stay away from it!

World Cancer Day 2013     World Cancer Day 2013
Research shows that one third of cancer deaths can be avoided by human intervention and preventive measures in 3 ways which includes: 1. Healthy living, 2. Medicine or Drugs Intervention 3. Physical examination and prevention

  ● Prevention begins with healthy lifestyle modification
  1. Keep fit. (Don’t overweight)
  2. Exercise for 30 minutes daily (bicycling, stair climbing, running)
  3. Drink green tea: tea contains anti-oxidant with anti-cancer effect
  4. Eat more fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables contains cellulose that can reduce intestinal carcinogenic factor
  5. Resist fat intake: Eat less pork, beef and mutton
  6. Stop smoking and alcohol consumption: major risk factor of cancer
  7. Occupational hazards: reduce exposure to sunlight, radiation and toxic chemicals

  ●Drug Intervention, Vaccination
  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine: This can help prevent certain cancers like cervical, vaginal and anal cancer.
  Hepatitis B virus vaccination: can help reduce the risk of liver cancer

  ●Screening Examination
  Cancer screening is used before any noticeable symptoms appear. These examinations include the following: Mammography for breast cancer, Papsmear cytology for cervical cancer, Tumor markers for hepatocellular cancer, adenocarcinoma, nasopharyngeal cancer.
World Cancer Day 2013

  know more about cancer prvention 

     Do you know that having cancer doesn’t mean dying. You can still defeat it!
World Cancer Day 2013
Though you or your love ones may be quite unfortunate to be diagnosed with cancer, you must believe that believe that having cancer doesn’t mean dying and it is not your destiny.
  Most of the cancer is curable through treatment. Based from the statistics of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, patients underwent treatment here shows: 5 years survival rate up to 90% after treatment for early stage of cancer; 5 years survival rate up to 40% after treatment for late stage of cancer. If people could follow the preventive measures mentioned above plus early detection, then treatment outcome will be more conclusive. Scientists have been doing studies and research in exploring more cancer treatment aside from surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and alternative medical means. Comprehensive treatments for cancer has begun internationally such as Interventional Therapy, Targeted Therapy, Argon-Helium Cryotherapy, Iodine Seed Implantation, and Bio-immunotherapy. As mentioned above, Guangzhou Modern Cancer Hospital in China was one of the first hospitals executed the clinical use of these anti-cancer technologies.

  Know your enemy—Cancer; know your own body mechanism and lifestyle; familiarize yourself with the new cancer treatment techniques; Know yourself know your enemy to be ever victorious. But of course, cheerfulness, optimism, confidence, and great perseverance are essential.

  Related links: You can learn more about cancer
      the success patients stories
       the cancer treatment

Self Examination Helps to Find Cancer Early

Cancer is a disease starting from gene mutation and when those mutant cells develop to certain extent can they form a malignancy. Therefore, cancer latency is long and hard to notice in early stage. When symptoms present obviously, it has developed to middles or late stage already. So we should be alert to the abnormal changes occur on our body so as to prevent cancer.

There are many hidden troubles of many parts in our body, but what should we do to detect them?

Carefully check your skin from head to toe, including the skin of chest, back and butt to see if any abnormal changes on size, color and surface of scars, or some wounds and ulcers on skin are hard to heal, or color changes on some parts of skin and even if pain or numbness develop.

Check that if your face is bilateral symmetry, any pimples or spots increase or reduce. After that is to see if the white of eyes becomes yellow or red and the eyes look like dull. Push up your nose tip with your forefinger to find if any special like swelling in nose. The last is to use your thumbs, forefingers and middle fingers to pinch your ears gently to see if pain or hard mass of ears.

Touch all the lymph tissues arranging in preauricula, bilateral neck, tonsils, clavicles, post aurem, or around occipital bone, shallows of neck, posterior nape and so on to mind if any abnormality on size and shape. You must go to hospital for examinations and treatment if any irregular changes touched and you also develop the symptoms like unilateral nasal obstruction, bleeding in nose and earplug at the same time.

Check the color, activity and shape of lips and if any lumps on them. To feel if any tenderness, deviation or murmur in facial joints when open and close mouth. Keep your mouth open to see whether there are red swellings, hardness, thickness or spots of inner capsule of cheeks and dental caries (especially the white spots or scars). Observe if any dissymmetry, difficulty in movement or color abnormality by extending and turning your tongue, as well as if any varix or swelling on surface, tip and edge of tongue.

Female must check their breasts one week after their menstruation (Any day can do if the menstruation finishes). First keep your breast in natural status, watch if any changes in size, shape or breasts and nipples. Press on nipples to confirm if any fluid comes out. Lift up your arms to have the same examination again. After that, lie on your back with one hand under your pillow, use the fingers of the other hand to touch your breast in clockwise from inside to outside to detect the lumps, thickness or pain. Then repeat the examination on another breast. Please also mind that if any irregular changes of the lymph nodes of upper lateral aspect of breasts and hypogastrica.

Inspect the shape, texture, color and hair of abdomen, any changes or discharge of bellybutton. And then lie on back with your feet bending and abdomen relaxing, use your fingers together to touch the abdomen to feel if any hardness or pain.

Private parts
Some man in middle or old age would touch their testicles and penis to confirm if any lumps or other problems. When touching the testicles, can a man use forefinger, middle finger and thumb together gently. If any special is found, then you may have to be alert.

Observe the color, thickness and smells of sputum and whether it is mixed with blood streaks. Notice the color, speed and volume of urine, as well as any blood mass and shape  change in stools