Thursday, February 28, 2013

Proper Diets for Cirrhosis Patients

Cirrhosis patients need to replenish plenty of high-quality proteins and vitamins to condition their physique. A reasonable diet can increase the patients’appetite and immunity to a large extent.

With years of clinical surveys, cirrhosis patients can have a better appetite and digestive function by the conditioning of a reasonable diet, which then can control the progression of the disease, improve the immunity of the body, promote the rehabilitation of the liver cells and liver function. Therefore, experts from Asia Modern Stem Cell Research & Treatment Center are putting forward some dietary suggestions here for cirrhosis patients.

Cirrhosis patients should avoid foods that are salty and have a strong taste, since these foods may burden the liver to some extent. Foods with a high-quality of protein like fish, chicken, eggs, lean meat, animal liver, shrimp, milk and soybean products are much suggested to take.
  Cirrhosis patients are also required to maintain plenty of calories and vitamins by eating varies foods. They are especially suggested to supple vegetables and fruits that contains rich vitamin B.
  Liver patients should take proper foods contain sugar. They can particularly choose monosaccharides or disaccharides foods like glucose, refined white sugar, honey, royal jelly or fruits which are easier for digestion and absorption. Honey, particularly, has the abilities of strengthening the stomach, promoting digestion, improving liver glycogen content and the hemoglobin level, and increasing the efficacy of liver detoxification, is very suitable for patients with cirrhosis.
  If cirrhosis patients are companied with hypersplenism, they usually have a tendency of bleeding. In this condition, patients should complement foods such as pork rind, animal tendons and sea cucumbers, helps for blood coagulation. If the patients have low plasma protein and associated with anemia, they should increase the intakes of some iron-containing foods, such as animal liver, vegetables, red dates and longan. When ascites appears, patients can have some foods with a diuretic effect, such as carp, crucian carp, goat's milk, watermelon juice, Chinese watermelon. When the zinc content of the liver is decreasing, patients will have a poor appetite. In this condition, he/she can have oysters, pork, beef, fish, eggs, walnuts, dried mussels.
  Liver cirrhosis patient’s esophagus vein is very easy to be scratched and the reduced digestion ability makes the food very difficult to be digested. Thus, cirrhosis patients are usually advised to take soft, liquid, semi - liquid diets, and avoid dry and hard foods that are difficult to digest or may scratch the esophagus. Because of liver’s weakening metabolic capacity, patients are unfit for food additives or other canned foods containing coloring matter and preservatives.
  In short, cirrhosis patients should build a sound daily eating habit, control the intake of food quantity. Just as the Chinese saying goes, "Health needs 100% prevention and 70% diet cares, medical treatments account 30% only”. Which means that a good physique condition depends on the diet cares largely. We should keep a good habit in our normal life to maintain a healthy physique condition.

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