Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Breast Cancer and Other Benign Breast Diseases

How to detect breast cancer early? Most of the cases breast cancer were already in middle or late stage when they had been diagnosed since most of them ignored or didn’t realized the signs body sent. So what signs should you pay attention to? See the following picture here: 

You should notice that having the symptoms doesn’t mean you have breast cancer; further tests should be needed for diagnosis since there are some other diseases, such as Fibroadenoma of the breast, fibrocystic breast changes, breast nodules, etc having the similar symptoms. On other hand, people may also be misleading by those diseases and delay the diagnosis of breast cancer. Therefore, it’s a good idea for women to have regular breast exam once every year. 

There is some brief information about breast diseases.

1. Fibroadenoma of the breast: it is noncancerous tumor in breast and commonly seen among females younger than 30 years. Fibroadenoma are lumps composed of fibrous and glandular tissue with an appearance of rounded in outline and easily movable clear boundary, active but slow developing. Biopsy is suggested for patients above 40 to exclude breast cancer.

2. Fibrocystic breast disease: it is most seen among young females too. The changes in fibrocystic breast disease are characterized by the appearance of fibrous tissue and a lumpy, cobblestone texture in the breasts. These lumps are smooth with defined edges, moveable. Patient may have periodical breast swelling pain and breast lumps in accordance with menstrual cycle.

3. Plasma cell mastitis: it is characterized by indurated masses containing numerous plasma cells, usually resulting from inflammation of breast tissues, 60% of which appear as acute inflammation in clinic. Big lumps will show orange-like skin and appear around the nipple, unclear boundary, skin adhesion and nipple indentation can be seen. However in some case, it can be the secondary disease of breast cancer.

Other benign conditions
Due to great pressure of work, which affects the level of internal secretion, all kinds of breast diseases emerge and get closer and closer to people.  These diseases sometimes are difficult to distinguish from breast cancer. Once People find out something abnormal, they should have test for sure.

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