Tuesday, April 23, 2013

8 Anti-Cancer Tactics Released by Experts from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

This saying of “cancer can be prevented" is common among global doctors. Anumber of research institutions also published a variety of new researches tosubstantiate it. Recently, The Times of India has summaries some simple methodsto help people to fight cancer and make cancer farther away from us.

1. Doing chores at home toreduce the risk of breast cancer

   Epidemiologist Professor Tim • Zee ofOxford University and his colleagues have found that, six hours of doing choresa day, brisk walking or gardening vegetables can reduce breast cancer risk by13% for women. 2.5 hours of activity per day can reduce the risk of breastcancer by 8%. But it is worth reminding that a previous study held by U.S.Environmental Protection Agency has found a solvent called perchlorethyleneused in traditional dry cleaning process may lead to liver cancer, kidneycancer and leukemia, therefore, it is recommended to use less dry cleaningduring doing housework, instead, use mild liquid detergent to wash items byhand.

2.Drinking less alcohol to prevent esophageal cancer

   The latest study of Sweden Lund University found that if men overthe age of 45 drink less or don’t drink alcohol, therisk of esophageal cancer can be reduced by 5% for them; if further eat morefruits and vegetables, the effect will be more obvious.

  3.Eating less sausage or barbecue

   British scientists found that regular consumption of processed meat,such as bacon, sausage, will greatly increase the risk of intestinal cancerrisk, especially for men. Dr Rachel • Thompsonwho is in charge of World Cancer Research Foundation said: “The weeklyintake of processed meat should be controlled in less than 70g (equivalent tothe weight of three pieces of bacons). If you just want to eat barbecue, it ispreferable to marinate the meat or other foods one hour with lemon juice beforebeing baked.

  4.Eating less sugar or drinking sweet drinks

   Cancer’s favorite “food” is sugar. Astudy in Japan showed that when the blood flows through the tumor, about 57% ofthe blood glucose will be consumed as nutrients supply by the tumor. AmericanClinical Nutrition Journal has also reported that drinking two cups of sweetdrinks every day would face 90% higher risk of pancreatic cancer than who donot.

  5. Use cell phone as less as possible

   International Cancer Research Agency subsided by World HealthOrganization announced that after sorting out the scientific documents or datarelated to mobile phone use and brain tumor, they classified radio frequencyelectromagnetic fields used by mobile phone as “probable carcinogen“. Themobile phone users are encouraged to use the headset as much as possible toavoid phone close to the head for a long time.

  6.Avoid unnecessary radiation checks

   Medical physicists David • Brenner ofColumbia University has published papers in the New England Medicine Journal,and the papers have demonstrated that up to 2% of cancer cases in the UnitedStates may be caused due to the radiation of the CT scan. Long-term radiationaccumulation will bring greater health hazard.

  7. Lemon tea preventing skin cancer

   Researchers of Rutgers University found that adding pericarp ofcedrate fruits when making tea, the possibility for drinkers suffering fromcutaneous squamous cell skin cancer will be reduced by about 70%. Citric acidcontained in lemon has a role of preventing and eliminating skin pigmentation.It needs to be noted that tea shall be remained hot as cold tea is weaker inanti skin cancer than that of hot tea.

  8.Adding a little garlic to your foods if suitable

   Professor Earl Harrison of Cancer Center of Ohio University said: “throughurinalysis, we discovered that more garlic intake, less potential carcinogencontent in human body." However, high temperature will destroy the mostimportant anti-cancer substance of garlic- alliin, therefore, it is suggestedto crush garlic first and then place these garlic spread for 15 minutes beforecooking.

For more information about cancer prevention, cancer diets, cancer diagnosis, cancer treatments and so on, please link our website: www.asiancancer.com.

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