Maya predicted that after the dusk of Dec. 21, 2012 comes, the dawn of Dec. 22 would never appear. This is the end of world to us, however, to Mr.Zheng, his end of world falls in advance.
Zheng was 52 years old. Knowing his age, most people would image that
his grand children are always around him. But the truth turned out
cough, short of breath and expectoration attacked him on 2007 when he
convinced himself that should be the reason of age, because there always
are some problems developing in the old. He did not take it to heart
and thought that cough is normal because he liked smoking and drinking.
However, hoarse voice, difficulty in swallow and a mass in left neck
developed on Aug. The mass on neck increased while accompanied by white
expectoration in cough, sometimes there was even blood clots till Nov.
It worried Zheng that he went to local hospital for examination quickly
and found of undifferentiated metastatic cancer. Doctor suggested him to
admit for treatments. The symptoms like hoarse voice and cough improved
after treatments. But other symptoms had developed from Nov. 13 on,
like lose of weight, chest distress after activities, obvious short of
breath. The doctor told him his time was only 2 months left.
This cooperative old man in treatments and his family did not expect
such a shock that Zheng only has a life span of two months. His family
did not give up after getting this disastrous news, especially the older
brother of Zheng, who inquired all around for treatments, and finally
got to know Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. He convinced Zheng to take
the treatment in Guangzhou.
Zheng was suffering from severe edema of both lower extremities and
cannot walk on arriving at Guangzhou, meanwhile edema started to develop
in his hands and Zheng could not lie down but sit instead. To be more
terrible was that difficult breath occurred. Modern Cancer Hospital
Guangzhou sent special car to pick him up in the airport. The dietitian
adjusted the diets for weak Zheng after admission. Biopsy of mediastinal
tumor on Dec. 14 was performed by specialist and indicated non-small
cell cancer (lung cancer),
late stage. Cancer specialist decided to apply interventional treatment
to him after consultation of Zheng’s age, physical status and disease.
Cancer specialist Dr.Peng from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou
introduced, being different from the traditional surgery which would
bring patients great trauma and easily cause infection, interventional therapy
is performed under guidance of DSA to perfuse anti-tumor medicine in
the regions where tumors are, at the same time to block the blood
vessels of tumors. Dr. Peng said the concentration of medicine
administrated through local perfusion would be 2-8 times higher than
intravenous drip, while the embolus carrying anti-tumor medicine would
block the vessels supplying tumors nutrition, so as to attack the tumor
from all sides to starve tumors. This local treatment not only can gain
the effect of killing tumor, but also features small trauma, less
complication and less pain to patients.
Zheng who had deeply experienced the pain from chemotherapy, finally
accepted this treatment through doctor’s explanation and persuasion.
There was absence of symptoms like fierce vomit, severe hair-off and
persistent fever during his treatments. Zheng before had to take
low-flow oxygen for six hours a day, now improves after three-month
treatments, besides his breath returns normal, he even doesn’t cough any
more, lying down is no longer a problem for him and he can walk as a
normal people freely.
Mr. Zheng recently returned to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou for
follow-up. He happily talked to his attending doctor that he has quitted
smoking, his mental statue is good, sleep and appetite are normal, what
is more, he gains weight of totally 5 kg. It is unusually lucky to him
to be alive now thinking he was sentenced only two months left by doctor
half year ago, though there is little cough remaining.
Disclaimer: Therapeutic effect depends on individual patient's
condition. The content of this website is for informational purpose
only,this can not be the basis of medical diagnosis and treament and
even can not replace the diagnosis and treatment from doctors. Please
refer to Terms and Condition for more information.
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